Copyright: Images

The use - and misuse - of images is a major issue on the internet and we respectfully ask visitors to this site to respect the copyright of the photographers and image rights holders.

Please do not reproduce any images from this website. They are the property and copyright of the individual creators and not this website.

Permission should always be sought from copyright holders before reproducing any image. If the website becomes aware of images being reproduced without permission, we will not hesitate to alert the copyright holder.

As part of the website's desire to protect copyright, the majority of featured images are either watermarked or sized at 72 dpi at a width of just 175 pixels to discourage unauthorised reproduction.

Obtaining Photographs

The website can provide an official portrait of Alan Ayckbourn for use in theatre programmes / playbills, articles and publications. All enquiries should be sent to Copyright Enquiries.

The use of the image by Andrew Higgins (as featured in the website banner) is available for free providing the photographer and website are credited.


The website also features thumbnails of hundreds of posters of various Alan Ayckbourn posters and programmes / playbills since 1959.

Please do not reproduce these as they are the copyright of the commissioning organisation, artist or creative organisation. This website is not able to grant permission to reproduce the images and does not condone unauthorised reproduction of the images.

If you do have any questions regarding poster images, please contact us via
Copyright Enquiries.

All material within this website © Haydonning Ltd, 2002 - 2022, all rights reserved, except where noted. Header portrait © Andrew Higgins. Contact the website.